Mixing SceneManagers (Ogre) ends up in undefined behaviour

Discussion regarding the development of CEGUI itself - as opposed to questions about CEGUI usage that should be in the help forums.

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Das Gurke
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Mixing SceneManagers (Ogre) ends up in undefined behaviour

Postby Das Gurke » Sat Jan 06, 2007 14:18

Well, I have just spent hours over this ... Some Background:

I am developing an Ogre App using the PLSM2, which works fine with CEGUI. Suddenly I came to a point where I needed to drop the PLSM2 Scenemanager in favor of another one. Regard this happens during Runtime. Because I would like to continue using CEGUI in the "second" world, I thougt a simple

Code: Select all

// Type of mGUIRenderer is:
// CEGUI::OgreCEGUIRenderer   *mGUIRenderer;
would do the job ...
Nope, as I said this results in some quite bad behaviour, giving me a long bunch of different problemes which occured. At times everything seemed to go on normal, sometimes some Exceptions accusing Textureformat (CEGUI) or bad Callbacks (Ogre, huh?) where thrown (...). I have quite a few more things on my list which occured without recompiling the app.

Maybe someone wants to take a look?

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