Patch for some TLButton-Properties
Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 12:15
this small patch adds some properties to the Taharez Look Button.
NormalImage, PushedImage, HoverImage, UseStandardImagery.
this allows for using custom images on a per button basis.
TextXOffset allows you to specify an offset to shift the text on the button in the x-direction. This is useful if your button-images shouldn't have the text centered around the middle of the image but rather a little to the left (if your area for text doesn't cover the whole button-image).
The value is relative to the button-width.
P.S: Patch is against CVS-head
plus WidgetSets/TaharezLook/src/TLButtonProperties.h
plus WidgetSets/TaharezLook/src/TLButtonProperties.cpp
this small patch adds some properties to the Taharez Look Button.
NormalImage, PushedImage, HoverImage, UseStandardImagery.
this allows for using custom images on a per button basis.
TextXOffset allows you to specify an offset to shift the text on the button in the x-direction. This is useful if your button-images shouldn't have the text centered around the middle of the image but rather a little to the left (if your area for text doesn't cover the whole button-image).
The value is relative to the button-width.
P.S: Patch is against CVS-head
Code: Select all
? WidgetSets/TaharezLook/include/TLButtonProperties.h
? WidgetSets/TaharezLook/src/TLButtonProperties.cpp
Index: WidgetSets/TaharezLook/include/TLButton.h
RCS file: /cvsroot/crayzedsgui/cegui_mk2/WidgetSets/TaharezLook/include/TLButton.h,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -u -r1.1 TLButton.h
--- WidgetSets/TaharezLook/include/TLButton.h 13 Jun 2004 09:43:50 -0000 1.1
+++ WidgetSets/TaharezLook/include/TLButton.h 20 Sep 2004 12:05:21 -0000
@@ -31,6 +31,8 @@
#include "CEGUIWindowFactory.h"
#include "CEGUIRenderableImage.h"
+#include "TLButtonProperties.h"
// Start of CEGUI namespace section
namespace CEGUI
@@ -191,6 +193,31 @@
void setDisabledImage(const RenderableImage* image);
+ /*!
+ \brief
+ get the offset that is used to shift of the text in the x-direction
+ this is useful if the button-images are not symetrical and the
+ text shouldn't be completly centered
+ \return
+ the offset relative to the button-size
+ */
+ float getTextXOffset() const;
+ /*!
+ \brief
+ set the offset to use for a shift of the text in the x-direction
+ this is useful if the button-images are not symetrical and the
+ text shouldn't be completly centered
+ \param offset
+ The offset to use. This is relative to the button-width
+ \return
+ Nothing.
+ */
+ void setTextXOffset(float offset);
@@ -254,6 +281,18 @@
const Image* d_leftSectionPushed; //!< Image to use when rendering the button left section (pushed state).
const Image* d_middleSectionPushed; //!< Image to use when rendering the button middle section (pushed state).
const Image* d_rightSectionPushed; //!< Image to use when rendering the button right section (pushed state).
+ //text-offset
+ float d_textXOffset;
+ static TLButtonProperties::NormalImage d_normalImageProperty;
+ static TLButtonProperties::PushedImage d_pushedImageProperty;
+ static TLButtonProperties::HoverImage d_hoverImageProperty;
+ static TLButtonProperties::UseStandardImagery d_useStandardImageryProperty;
+ static TLButtonProperties::TextXOffset d_textXOffsetProperty;
+ void addTLButtonProperties(void);
Index: WidgetSets/TaharezLook/src/TLButton.cpp
RCS file: /cvsroot/crayzedsgui/cegui_mk2/WidgetSets/TaharezLook/src/TLButton.cpp,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.2 TLButton.cpp
--- WidgetSets/TaharezLook/src/TLButton.cpp 19 Jul 2004 20:01:03 -0000 1.2
+++ WidgetSets/TaharezLook/src/TLButton.cpp 19 Sep 2004 21:16:22 -0000
@@ -46,6 +46,12 @@
const utf8 TLButton::RightPushedImageName[] = "ButtonRightPushed";
const utf8 TLButton::MouseCursorImageName[] = "MouseArrow";
+TLButtonProperties::NormalImage TLButton::d_normalImageProperty;
+TLButtonProperties::PushedImage TLButton::d_pushedImageProperty;
+TLButtonProperties::HoverImage TLButton::d_hoverImageProperty;
+TLButtonProperties::UseStandardImagery TLButton::d_useStandardImageryProperty;
+TLButtonProperties::TextXOffset TLButton::d_textXOffsetProperty;
@@ -76,7 +82,11 @@
d_middleSectionPushed = &iset->getImage(MiddlePushedImageName);
d_rightSectionPushed = &iset->getImage(RightPushedImageName);
+ d_textXOffset = 0.0f;
+ addTLButtonProperties();
@@ -186,6 +196,16 @@
+float TLButton::getTextXOffset() const
+ return d_textXOffset;
+void TLButton::setTextXOffset(float offset)
+ d_textXOffset = offset;
render Widget in normal state
@@ -246,6 +266,7 @@
// Draw label text
absrect.d_top += (absrect.getHeight() - getFont()->getLineSpacing()) / 2;
+ absrect.d_left += d_textXOffset * absrect.getWidth();
colours.d_top_left = colours.d_top_right = colours.d_bottom_left = colours.d_bottom_right = (d_normalColour | alpha_comp);
getFont()->drawText(getText(), absrect, System::getSingleton().getRenderer()->getZLayer(2), clipper, Centred, colours);
@@ -310,6 +331,7 @@
// Draw label text
absrect.d_top += (absrect.getHeight() - getFont()->getLineSpacing()) / 2;
+ absrect.d_left += d_textXOffset * absrect.getWidth();
colours.d_top_left = colours.d_top_right = colours.d_bottom_left = colours.d_bottom_right = (d_hoverColour | alpha_comp);
getFont()->drawText(getText(), absrect, System::getSingleton().getRenderer()->getZLayer(2), clipper, Centred, colours);
@@ -374,6 +396,7 @@
// Draw label text
absrect.d_top += (absrect.getHeight() - getFont()->getLineSpacing()) / 2;
+ absrect.d_left += d_textXOffset * absrect.getWidth();
colours.d_top_left = colours.d_top_right = colours.d_bottom_left = colours.d_bottom_right = (d_pushedColour | alpha_comp);
getFont()->drawText(getText(), absrect, System::getSingleton().getRenderer()->getZLayer(2), clipper, Centred, colours);
@@ -435,6 +458,7 @@
// Draw label text
absrect.d_top += (absrect.getHeight() - getFont()->getLineSpacing()) / 2;
+ absrect.d_left += d_textXOffset * absrect.getWidth();
colours.d_top_left = colours.d_top_right = colours.d_bottom_left = colours.d_bottom_right = (d_disabledColour | alpha_comp);
getFont()->drawText(getText(), absrect, System::getSingleton().getRenderer()->getZLayer(2), clipper, Centred, colours);
@@ -486,6 +510,15 @@
+void TLButton::addTLButtonProperties(void)
+ addProperty(&d_normalImageProperty);
+ addProperty(&d_pushedImageProperty);
+ addProperty(&d_hoverImageProperty);
+ addProperty(&d_useStandardImageryProperty);
+ addProperty(&d_textXOffsetProperty);
plus WidgetSets/TaharezLook/src/TLButtonProperties.h
Code: Select all
#ifndef _CEGUITLButtonProperties_h_
#define _CEGUITLButtonProperties_h_
#include "CEGUIProperty.h"
// Start of CEGUI namespace section
namespace CEGUI
// Start of TLButtonProperties namespace section
Namespace containing all classes that make up the properties interface for the TLButton class
namespace TLButtonProperties
Property to access the normal image of the button
\par Usage:
- Name: NormalImage
- Format: "set:<imageset> image:<imagename>".
class NormalImage : public Property
NormalImage() : Property((utf8*)"NormalImage", (utf8*)"Property to get/set the normal image for the TLButton widget. Value should be \"set:[imageset name] image:[image name]\".") {}
String get(const void* receiver) const;
void set(void* receiver, const String& value);
Property to access the pushed image of the button
\par Usage:
- Name: PushedImage
- Format: "set:<imageset> image:<imagename>".
class PushedImage : public Property
PushedImage() : Property((utf8*)"PushedImage", (utf8*)"Property to get/set the pushed image for the TLButton widget. Value should be \"set:[imageset name] image:[image name]\".") {}
String get(const void* receiver) const;
void set(void* receiver, const String& value);
Property to access the hover image of the button
\par Usage:
- Name: HoverImage
- Format: "set:<imageset> image:<imagename>".
class HoverImage : public Property
HoverImage() : Property((utf8*)"HoverImage", (utf8*)"Property to get/set the hover image for the TLButton widget. Value should be \"set:[imageset name] image:[image name]\".") {}
String get(const void* receiver) const;
void set(void* receiver, const String& value);
Property to access whether to use the standard images or the supplied custom ones
\par Usage:
- Name: UseStandardImagery
- Format: "True|False".
class UseStandardImagery : public Property
UseStandardImagery() : Property((utf8*)"UseStandardImagery", (utf8*)"Property to get/set whether to use the standard imagery for the TLButton widget. Value should be \"set:[imageset name] image:[image name]\".") {}
String get(const void* receiver) const;
void set(void* receiver, const String& value);
Property to access an offset that is used to shift the text in the x-direction.
\par Usage:
- Name: UseStandardImagery
- Format: "<xoffset>".
where <xoffset> is a float value specifying the offset relative to the button-size
class TextXOffset : public Property
TextXOffset() : Property((utf8*)"TextXOffset", (utf8*)"Property to get/set a relative x offset for the button's text") {}
String get(const void* receiver) const;
void set(void* receiver, const String& value);
plus WidgetSets/TaharezLook/src/TLButtonProperties.cpp
Code: Select all
#include "CEGUIImage.h"
#include "CEGUIImageset.h"
#include "CEGUIImagesetManager.h"
#include "CEGUIExceptions.h"
#include "TLButton.h"
#include "TLButtonProperties.h"
// Start of CEGUI namespace section
namespace CEGUI
// Start of StaticImageProperties namespace section
namespace TLButtonProperties
//these are helper functions copied over from PropertyHelper,
//somehow it won't find them even when linking to the proper lib...
float stringToFloat(const String& str)
using namespace std;
float val = 0;
sscanf(str.c_str(), " %f", &val);
return val;
bool stringToBool(const String& str)
if ((str == (utf8*)"True") || (str == (utf8*)"true"))
return true;
return false;
const Image* stringToImage(const String& str)
using namespace std;
char imageSet[128];
char imageName[128];
sscanf(str.c_str(), " set:%127s image:%127s", imageSet, imageName);
const Image* image;
image = &ImagesetManager::getSingleton().getImageset((utf8*)imageSet)->getImage((utf8*)imageName);
catch (UnknownObjectException)
image = NULL;
return image;
String boolToString(bool val)
if (val)
return String((utf8*)"True");
return String ((utf8*)"False");
String floatToString(float val)
using namespace std;
char buff[64];
sprintf(buff, "%f", val);
return String((utf8*)buff);
String NormalImage::get(const void *receiver) const
//TLButton currently has no getter for this...
return "";//PropertyHelper::imageToString(static_cast<const TLButton*>(receiver)->getNormal());
void NormalImage::set(void *receiver, const String &value)
RenderableImage * image = new RenderableImage();
String PushedImage::get(const void *receiver) const
//TLButton currently has no getter for this...
return "";//PropertyHelper::imageToString(static_cast<const TLButton*>(receiver)->getNormal());
void PushedImage::set(void *receiver, const String &value)
RenderableImage * image = new RenderableImage();
String HoverImage::get(const void *receiver) const
//TLButton currently has no getter for this...
return "";//PropertyHelper::imageToString(static_cast<const TLButton*>(receiver)->getNormal());
void HoverImage::set(void *receiver, const String &value)
RenderableImage * image = new RenderableImage();
String UseStandardImagery::get(const void *receiver) const
return boolToString(static_cast<const TLButton*>(receiver)->isStandardImageryEnabled());
void UseStandardImagery::set(void *receiver, const String &value)
String TextXOffset::get(const void *receiver) const
return floatToString(static_cast<const TLButton*>(receiver)->getTextXOffset());
void TextXOffset::set(void *receiver, const String &value)