Default branch ceguitinyxml / minizip source dirs
Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 06:54
For the dafault branch what has happened to the ceguitinyxml and minizip source directories? They appear to have been removed.
The official forum for CEGUI
CrazyEddie wrote:Hi,
These have indeed been removed. We no longer bundle complete dependency libs within the core cegui source (there are some very minor exceptions to this, and those basically form code that is not generally available as a library - the stb image loading code, the tga-only image loader and the minibidi code). All dependencies that are packaged as libraries are now external to CEGUI and are in our dependency pack (currently 0.8.x-beta6, available from the sourceforge download network).
Code: Select all
"WindowsLook/VideoFrameWindow", // type to create
"CEGUI/FrameWindow", // 'base' widget type
"WindowsLook/FrameWindow", // WidgetLook to use.
--> "Core/FrameWindow", // WindowRenderer to use.
/// "Falagard/FrameWindow", // WindowRenderer to use.
"VideoRenderEffect"); // effect to use.