wiki problem regarding code blocks!

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wiki problem regarding code blocks!

Postby scriptkid » Sun Sep 28, 2008 10:45

Hi all,

due to a migration by sourceforge, we appear to have a problem with "code" tags in wiki pages, rendering valuable code samples invisible in your browser.

There is a workaroun though:
1. On protected pages, you have the option to View Source.
2. For normal pages, you could register to the wiki and hit "edit" on pages of interest. This will show you the full code of the page too.

We are looking into this matter. Sorry for now!
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Postby CrazyEddie » Sun Sep 28, 2008 14:11


Quick update on this issue: I have implemented a work-aound so that the code in the wiki using the <code> tags is shown, but without syntax highlighting (basically it's converted on the fly back to the 'normal' code syntax). Soon I hope to get the time to look into this a bit further and get the syntax highlighting back again :)

By the way, if the page still does not show the code, you need to purge the cached copy of the page. This can be done be appending '?action=purge' to the page URL.



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