CEGUI 0.7.8 is Released!

Official announcements from the CEGUI project.

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CEGUI 0.7.8 is Released!

Postby CrazyEddie » Tue Jan 08, 2013 11:31

Greetings to CEGUI users everywhere!

This post is to announce the 0.7.8 release of CEGUI. This is another maintenance release from the stable v0-7 branch. As per previous announcements, we're supplying source code only now. For this release, the previous binary dependency packs should still be used.

The following packages are available for immediate download:
Crazy Eddie's GUI System 0.7.8 source code (.zip file)
Crazy Eddie's GUI System 0.7.8 source code (.tar.gz file)

Crazy Eddie's GUI System 0.7.8 Documentation package (.zip file)
Crazy Eddie's GUI System 0.7.8 Documentation package (.tar.gz file)

CEGUI 0.7.x-r2 precompiled dependencies for MSVC++ 2005 (with SP1 + ATL fix) (.zip file)
CEGUI 0.7.x-r2 precompiled dependencies for MSVC++ 2008 (with SP1) (.zip file)
CEGUI 0.7.x-r3 precompiled dependencies for MSVC++ 2010 (.zip file)
CEGUI 0.7.x precompiled dependencies for Apple Mac OS X (32 bit Universal) (.zip file)
CEGUI 0.7.x-r1 precompiled dependencies for MinGW (.zip file) (experimental / unsupported)

The change log additions for this release are as follows:
ChangeLog wrote:Release 0.7.8
- Bug Fix: Non-client windows using rendering surface were clipped to client area.
- Bug Fix: Child content was not always updated when FrameWindow rollup toggled.
- Bug Fix: VertScrollbar ScrollablePane properties accessing values for horizontal bar.
- Bug Fix: Tab buttons sized to raw text width, not RenderedString width.

- Added: Added option for OgreRenderer to render using (internal) shaders - defaults to enabled when fixed pipline is unavailable.
- Added: Added functions to MCL to ensure rows, columns and items are visible.
- Added: Implement Texture::saveToMemory for D3D11 renderer.
- Added: Implement Texture::saveToMemory for D3D10 renderer.
- Added: Implement Direct3D9Texture::saveToMemory (backported impl from default)

Hopefully you guys will find this release useful. Post here on the the CEGUI Forums or come to #cegui on freenode if you require support. And when asking for help remember to post your CEGUI log file and other relevant information or I'll storm off and cry in the corner!



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