CEGUI 0.8.2 Is Released!

Official announcements from the CEGUI project.

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CEGUI 0.8.2 Is Released!

Postby CrazyEddie » Wed Jun 12, 2013 08:30

CEGUI - 0.8.2

Patch release from v0-8 branch

Source Package Downloads:
Source code packaged a a .zip file
Source code packaged as a .tar.gz file

Documentation Downloads:
Documentation packaged as a .zip file
Documentation packaged as a .tar.gz file

Dependencies (Windows / Apple OS X Only):
http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/cray ... p?download

- 0000986: [Build system] ABI versioning used for naming .so files is incorrect (CrazyEddie) - resolved.
- 0000985: [Build system] Linking of fribidi for debug builds fails, due to trying to link to badly formed library name (CrazyEddie) - resolved.
- 0000982: [Samples Framework / Sample Applications] Ogre base application has #pragma directives bringing in libs that don't exist. (CrazyEddie) - resolved.
- 0000984: [Samples Framework / Sample Applications] Ogre base app has left over unused Overlay* variable which prevents compilation on newer Ogre versions. (CrazyEddie) - resolved.
- 0000983: [XML parser modules] CEGUI_DELETE_AO typo in RapidXMLParser (CrazyEddie) - resolved.
[5 issues]

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Re: CEGUI 0.8.2 Is Released!

Postby miaodadao » Wed Jun 19, 2013 08:34

Could you please add project files for Visual Studio into the release package, any version is ok, even an independent package for VS users download is ok too.
I find it's waste of time to config cmake again and again, it's not easy for me and others maybe, as CEGUI-0.8.x will release more frequency.
Thank you.

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Re: CEGUI 0.8.2 Is Released!

Postby timotei » Thu Jun 27, 2013 08:48

It's not really that easy to do that, especially when you depend on different libraries like CEGUI does. Also, not everyone uses the same configuration (renderers, XML parsers, etc) so it's not a viable solution :)

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