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[CELayoutEditor] How to set image to StaticImage

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 13:26
by E.Kiver
The topic name is quiet self-explaining, I'm using CELayoutEditor 0.5.
I've created TaharezLook/StaticImage window, but whether I'm setting in its "Image" value to, there is still no such property as

<Property Name="Image" Value=...

in my output ".layout". But if I manually add string like:

<Property Name="Image" Value="set:HUD image:HUD_main" />

Everything works fine.
So, how to make editor add such props automaticaly?

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 15:38
by E.Kiver
Ok, I've figured something out.
If I set "Image" field to

set:TaharezLook image:ListboxSelectionBrush

It works, so I can suggest, that I need to register my HUD imageset in CELayoutEditor somehow(Like taharezlook imageset were registred).
But how?

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 18:21
by scriptkid

the best thing to do is adding your own imagesets to one of the schemes which you are using. So that they will get loaded automatically with the .scheme file.

Just open the TaharezLook.scheme file to see how to add an imageset.

Good luck!