[CELayoutEditor] assert if click on static text with a %
Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 23:01
Odd one here, is it just my setup or...
1. create a new layout.
2. make a static text widget
3. set the text to "%"
4. click away then click on the widget again
Program: C:\Projects\CELayoutEditor\bin\debug\CELayoutEditor_d.exe
File: f:\sp\vctools\crt_bld\self_x86\crt\src\output.c
Line: 2310
Expression: ((state == ST_NORMAL) || (state == ST_TYPE))
editor v0.6.0
1. create a new layout.
2. make a static text widget
3. set the text to "%"
4. click away then click on the widget again
Program: C:\Projects\CELayoutEditor\bin\debug\CELayoutEditor_d.exe
File: f:\sp\vctools\crt_bld\self_x86\crt\src\output.c
Line: 2310
Expression: ((state == ST_NORMAL) || (state == ST_TYPE))
editor v0.6.0