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Windows Look?

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 15:19
by saetrum

I'm using the precompiled version of the layout editor, and I can't seem to get it to let me create WindowsLook widgets. They don't show up in the drop down list, any ideas?


Re: Windows Look?

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 20:02
by CrazyEddie
I'll let Scriptkid give the official word on this, though I think currently loading other schemes / widget sets in still on the TODO list.

What you might try is laying things out in TaharezLook and then doing a global search/replace of "TaharezLook" for "WindowsLook" on the layout, this would give reasonable results for most widgets (the slider being an exception). I understand that this is not ideal, and I could very well be talking a load of rubbish :) Just a suggestion.


Re: Windows Look?

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2005 14:58
by saetrum
That will work...I was hoping to get a good idea of what my screen would look like, but this will provide a general feel for what I can expect.

Re: Windows Look?

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 10:58
by scriptkid

sorry for the late reply! I guess i wasn't that sharp the past few days ;-)

What you can try is to overwrite your TaharezLook.scheme file with the following contents (because the editor hard-codes to this scheme):

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<GUIScheme Name="WindowsLook">
<Imageset Name="WindowsLook" Filename="../datafiles/imagesets/WindowsLook.imageset" />
<Font Name="Tahoma-12" Filename="../datafiles/fonts/tahoma-12.font" />
<WindowSet Filename="CEGUIWindowsLook">
<WindowFactory Name="WindowsLook/Button" />
<WindowFactory Name="WindowsLook/Checkbox" />
<WindowFactory Name="WindowsLook/CloseButton" />
<WindowFactory Name="WindowsLook/Combobox" />
<WindowFactory Name="WindowsLook/ComboDropList" />
<WindowFactory Name="WindowsLook/Editbox" />
<WindowFactory Name="WindowsLook/FrameWindow" />
<WindowFactory Name="WindowsLook/HorizontalScrollbar" />
<WindowFactory Name="WindowsLook/HorizontalScrollbarThumb" />
<WindowFactory Name="WindowsLook/Listbox" />
<WindowFactory Name="WindowsLook/ListHeader" />
<WindowFactory Name="WindowsLook/ListHeaderSegment" />
<WindowFactory Name="WindowsLook/MultiColumnList" />
<WindowFactory Name="WindowsLook/MultiLineEditbox" />
<WindowFactory Name="WindowsLook/ProgressBar" />
<WindowFactory Name="WindowsLook/RadioButton" />
<WindowFactory Name="WindowsLook/Slider" />
<WindowFactory Name="WindowsLook/SliderThumb" />
<WindowFactory Name="WindowsLook/StaticImage" />
<WindowFactory Name="WindowsLook/StaticText" />
<WindowFactory Name="WindowsLook/TabButton" />
<WindowFactory Name="WindowsLook/TabControl" />
<WindowFactory Name="WindowsLook/TabPane" />
<WindowFactory Name="WindowsLook/Titlebar" />
<WindowFactory Name="WindowsLook/VerticalScrollbar" />
<WindowFactory Name="WindowsLook/VerticalScrollbarThumb" />

From that point, the available widgets are dynamically determined. I did a quick test and it seemed to work fine... :-)

Re: Windows Look?

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 08:15
by scriptkid
Hi again saetrum,

just to let you know that the editor does now support the WindowsLook (in CVS) :-)

But before adding it to the pre-compiled installer i was thinking about the following: at this moment, the editor just loads both schemes, so that the "addWindow" dialog will show both the Taharez- and the Windows look widgets. You can even create a layout containing widgets from both looks :-)

This might however be confusing and even "blinding", especially when you consider that even more "looks" might be available in the future.

I want to stick with the hard-coded loading of schemes, and condider their "not-found" as a warning, not a show-stopper. Then, on adding or opening a layout, let the user choose from the available (found) looks, so that the "addWindow" dialog becomes look-sensitive and stays clean.

Maybe, to support multiple looks in one layout (for whatever reason), this pre-set ("primary"?) value might be the default in the "addWindow" dialog, but leave an option (combobox?) in case you want to add a window from another look.

Sounds like good ideas?


Re: Windows Look?

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 09:40
by scriptkid
A new installer (windows only) is available from Crazy Eddie's download area:

Both Taharez- and Windows look are now supported. You can even use both schemes in one layout. When adding a window, you can select a scheme so the application filters the available window types for you. This avoids a flood of types, especially when more schemes are available in the future.

Have fun :-),

[EDIT] for reasons mentioned by CE in the news section, i could not commit the changes to CVS yet, so please be a little patient. [/EDIT]