Hello, a new version has been released.
Version 1.1
Removed some un-needed meshes from the sample. Minor code cleanups
Added new widget: SimpleBorderButton.
Added new widget: SerpentScaledTopBorder
Added new widget: SerpentScaledBottomBorde
Added new widget: RailedGlyphButton (used only in FrameWindow)
Modified FrameWindow and SerpentPanel: these widgets now contain a subtle highlight of scales.
- Added new property to the FrameWindow: TitlebarSubPatternTexture, to draw a tiled texture over the titlebar.
(default value: GlossySerpentFHD/SerpentSkinTileDark).
To get the old look and feel of a window, please specify the following property in the layout file:
Code: Select all
<Window type="GlossySerpentFHD/FrameWindow" name="yourName" >
<Property name="TitlebarSubPatternTexture" value="" />
- Added new property to the FrameWindow and SerpentPanel: BackgroundScalesPictureColour, default value: "4714120F"
To get the old look and feel of a window, please specify the following property in the layout file:
Code: Select all
<Window type="GlossySerpentFHD/FrameWindow" name="yourName" >
<Property name="BackgroundScalesPictureColour" value="00FFFFFF" />
The highlight is based on a scale armour texture from here: