Tried setting Font property in the Titlebar widget:
Code: Select all
<WidgetLook name="Immersive_Border/Titlebar">
<PropertyDefinition name="CaptionColour" initialValue="FF000000" redrawOnWrite="true" />
<Property name="NonClient" value="True" />
<Property name="Font" value="MyriadPro-9" />
Tried setting Font property within the child of our FrameWindow widget:
Code: Select all
<Child type="Immersive_Border/Titlebar" nameSuffix="__auto_titlebar__">
<Dim type="LeftEdge">
<AbsoluteDim value="0" />
<Dim type="TopEdge">
<AbsoluteDim value="0" />
<Dim type="RightEdge">
<UnifiedDim scale="1" type="RightEdge" />
<Dim type="Height">
<FontDim widget="__auto_titlebar__" type="LineSpacing">
<DimOperator op="Multiply">
<AbsoluteDim value="1.5" />
<Property name="Font" value="MyriadPro-9" />
<Property name="AlwaysOnTop" value="False" />
Tried setting the TitlebarFont property in the FrameWindow widget:
Code: Select all
<PropertyLinkDefinition name="CaptionColour" widget="__auto_titlebar__" targetProperty="CaptionColour" initialValue="FF000000" />
<PropertyLinkDefinition name="TitlebarFont" widget="__auto_titlebar__" targetProperty="Font" />
<Property name="Text" value="Toolbox" />
<Property name="TitlebarFont" value="MyriadPro-9" />
I even tried using the property tag in a way I'm not sure is correct to set the font property on the __auto_titlebar__ child widget:
Code: Select all
<PropertyLinkDefinition name="CaptionColour" widget="__auto_titlebar__" targetProperty="CaptionColour" initialValue="FF000000" />
<PropertyLinkDefinition name="TitlebarFont" widget="__auto_titlebar__" targetProperty="Font" />
<Property name="Text" value="Toolbox" />
<Property name="Font" widget="__auto_titlebar__" value="MyriadPro-9" />
Finally, my CEGUI log is mostly fine. There are a few errors that have to do with an outdated layout we use briefly at the beginning of the program for a login screen (so not relevant), as well as some object exception errors I need to take a look at, but again they shouldn't have anything to do with the titlebar.
Code: Select all
02/11/2010 11:00:51 (Std) ---- Version 0.7.2 (Build: Aug 28 2010 Debug Microsoft Windows MSVC++ 8.0 32 bit) ----
02/11/2010 11:00:51 (Std) ---- Renderer module is: CEGUI::OpenGLRenderer - Official OpenGL based 2nd generation renderer module. TextureTarget support enabled via FBO extension. ----
02/11/2010 11:00:51 (Std) ---- XML Parser module is: CEGUI::ExpatParser - Official expat based parser module for CEGUI ----
02/11/2010 11:00:51 (Std) ---- Image Codec module is: SILLYImageCodec - Official SILLY based image codec ----
02/11/2010 11:00:51 (Std) ---- Scripting module is: None ----
02/11/2010 11:01:13 (Error) CEGUI::UnknownObjectException in file c:\cegui-0.7.2-vc8\cegui\src\ceguiwindowmanager.cpp(256) : WindowManager::getWindow - A Window object with the name 'ToolboxWindow__auto_closebutton__' does not exist within the system
02/11/2010 11:01:13 (Error) CEGUI::UnknownObjectException in file c:\cegui-0.7.2-vc8\cegui\src\ceguiwindowmanager.cpp(256) : WindowManager::getWindow - A Window object with the name 'ToolboxWindow__auto_polygoncreation_btn__' does not exist within the system
02/11/2010 11:01:13 (Std) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'Immersive_ToolboxWindow.layout' ----
In all of these cases my font property was ignored entirely and the font is the same big, ugly default font it was before... I am not getting any error messages printed to my console, and the windows are popping up fine, so the XML is parsed alright.
Is this a bug or am I failing to put the tag in the right spot?