Yet another upgrading error

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Yet another upgrading error

Postby Scorch » Sun Feb 18, 2007 04:22

Several questions.
I've got to be missing somthing obvious.

I upgraded to the latest Ogre3d, which came with the latest CEGUI (0.5)

My prevously functioning schema files are no longer working as planed.
When I launch the game I get the following error in my cegui.log

17/02/2007 20:12:35 (InfL2) Finished creation of Imageset 'TaharezLook' via XML file.
17/02/2007 20:12:35 (InfL1) Attempting to create Font from the information specified in file 'tahoma-12.font'.
17/02/2007 20:12:35 (Error) Exception: FontManager::createFont - The value for the Font:Type attribute 'Dynamic' is unknown.
17/02/2007 20:12:35 (Error) FontManager::createFont - loading of Font from file 'tahoma-12.font' failed.

When I launch the new editor, it asks me for the datafiles directory. It didn't come with a datafiles directory??? where do I get one?
I tried to copy the datafiles directory from my previous editor and I got the following errors:

(typed in the best i could)
FontManager::createFont - The value for the Font:Type attribute 'Dynamic' is unknown.'
FontManager::createFont - The value for the Font:Type attribute 'Dynamic' is unknown.'
DefaultResourceProvider::load - ../datafiles/imagesets/TaharezLook.imageset does not exist
DefaultResourceProvider::load - ../datafiles/imagesets/WindowsLook.imageset does not exist

I tried downloading new skins, but the links got me 404's.

I tried some searches and didn't find anything that seemed to match my problem.

Any suggestions?

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Postby Scorch » Sun Feb 18, 2007 04:32

Additional info:

I realized there was a skin included with the ogre download.
Just for fun I used the that skin.. I changed my font to reference the bluehighway-12.font instead.

I am still crashing with the following cegui.log error

Finished creation of Imageset 'TaharezLook' via XML file.
17/02/2007 20:30:04 (InfL1) Attempting to create Font from the information specified in file 'bluehighway-12.font'.
17/02/2007 20:30:04 (InfL1) Started creation of FreeType Font:
17/02/2007 20:30:04 (InfL1) ---- CEGUI font name: BlueHighway-12
17/02/2007 20:30:04 (InfL1) ---- Source file: bluehigh.ttf in resource group: (Default)
17/02/2007 20:30:04 (InfL1) ---- Real point size: 12
17/02/2007 20:30:04 (InfL1) Font 'BlueHighway-12' has been destroyed.
17/02/2007 20:30:04 (Error) FontManager::createFont - loading of Font from file 'bluehighway-12.font' failed.

unfortunetly this doesn't give me much info on what to do next.

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Postby Scorch » Sun Feb 18, 2007 04:35

More progress.
When I used the skin from the ogre3d download I missed one file.
I still have my original problems though.

1: How to get skins for the cegui editor

2: How to update my skin and/or layouts to 0.5 .

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Postby scriptkid » Sun Feb 18, 2007 10:36


sorry to hear about your troubles. Let me try to help.

The value for the Font:Type attribute 'Dynamic' is unknown.'

This error means that you are using a 0.4.1 type of font, which used the 'dynamic' type. The new one should read 'type=FreeType'. But appearantly you already found out, since your last error log doesn's show it anymore.

I just checked and you are right about the datafiles folder, which is not shipped by Ogre. What i suggest is to download the latest CEGUI files from sourceforge and copy&paste the 'cegui/samples/datafiles' directory into your Ogre directory. A common location would be 'media/gui/', so that you get 'media/gui/datafiles'. Make sure to add a block like this to your Ogre's resources.cfg file:

Code: Select all


You only need to copy over the datafiles! The binaries are already in the Ogre dependencies.

The last font error is weird since the log is not very clear. When you made the changes which i have suggested, can you try to load a default font first which comes with cegui, such as the commonwealth one?

1: How to get skins for the cegui editor

Do you mean how you can add skins? When you load the editor, the 'datafiles' location should be the one which i mentioned above. If it doesn't ask for it anymore, just throw away the editor's .INI file and restart it. The editor will load any files which it finds, so you can more schemes later.

2: How to update my skin and/or layouts to 0.5 .

Layouts can be upgraded with this script:

Not sure what changes are required to your skins though, but these links might help:

Good luck! :-)

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Postby Scorch » Mon Feb 26, 2007 01:21

scriptkid -

Sorry to take so long to reply, I missed your post. (double checked my BB profile and it should have emailed me?)

Anyhow, I finaly gave up on my skin when i found the skin used in the new ogre samples. The new skin doesn't have a courier so I changed all my source to refer to a bluehighway-12 font. My layouts still refer to the old font, but it seems to be failing to find it and falling back to bluehighway just fine so I'm not going to worry about that right now.

I finaly got the editor up and running. What I finaly resorted to was hand modifying the CELayoutEditor.ini to the following:

ConfigsPath=C:\Program Files\CELayoutEditor 0.5\datafiles/
FontsPath=C:\Program Files\CELayoutEditor 0.5\datafiles/
ImagesetsPath=C:\Program Files\CELayoutEditor 0.5\datafiles/
LayoutsPath=C:\Program Files\CELayoutEditor 0.5\datafiles/
LookNFeelsPath=C:\Program Files\CELayoutEditor 0.5\datafiles/
ScriptsPath=C:\Program Files\CELayoutEditor 0.5\datafiles/
SchemesPath=C:\Program Files\CELayoutEditor 0.5\datafiles/

So now all my files (from ogre sdk) are just dumped into a single directory.

This will get me moving agian and perhaps i'll come back to it later. All of my menus need an update anyways, and the skin I had made i'm sure is eventually replaceable.

Thanks for the info


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