I'm still puzzled about your white windows? Was that OpenGL or DX9?
If it was GL, there was a bug in the rendersystem that could lead to unpredictable problems... It was missing a default constructor and left some variables uninitialized... But I never had a problem, was very random, hit other computers different. Anyway, the GL rendersystem is updated with the fix.
Also, DX9 texture issue has been resolved, so no more slow down/huge textures there... That had to do with mipmaps that would affect d3d textures wierd, to solve I just made 0 mipmaps.
Also, in this new version you can stop/start/switch between oggs with no probs. Please fel free to encode you own oggs and put them in the ogg directory.
http://www.v2v.cc/~j/ffmpeg2theora/ for a nice cmd line convertor app. Note: The higher the quality level of video or audio, insreases stalls in the decoder plugin. I hope to resolve this by adjusting how much data I stream in depending on the bitrate/quality.