In Demo7 you have:
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// work-around a small bug (oops!)
I'm trying to create my window layout using XML. The window creates, but I can't select any of the items. I've tried putting in multiple
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<Property Name="SelectionMode" Value="RowSingle" />
<Property Name="SelectionMode" Value="RowMultiple" />
<Property Name="SelectionMode" Value="RowSingle" />
in the XML, but this doesn't help. I've also put multiple calls to setSelectionMode in my code, and that does nothing.
I don't see any event wiring in the demo code, so I assume it is supposed to be handled by the MultiListBox object.
For reference, I'm using CEGUI that I got from CVS at beta-1-root (or something similar). It was before you merged the changes back into HEAD. So my CEGUI is undoubtedly out-of-date, but I don't currently have time to update and fix everything, kinda actually got something due today that this is stopping.
I love deadlines. I love the sound they make as they go whooshing by. -- Douglas Adams (I think)
OR they are selecting just fine, but because I'm using CEGUI::ListboxTextItem, the line
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setSelectionBrushImage((CEGUI::utf8*)"TaharezImagery", (CEGUI::utf8*)"MultiListSelectionBrush");
Yup, that was it. setSelectionColour didn't work, though, but I don't think I've seen any of the Colour functions work (background colour etc).