How 2 render text with different colors in one window?

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How 2 render text with different colors in one window?

Postby singbol » Sun Sep 06, 2009 09:16

I'm here for game's chatting window, I want to make the text showed in the window with different colors, likes:
//[clr green]Hey[/clr green],[clr red]I want//
//to be a [/clr red][clr brown]good man //
//[/clr brown]and [smiles 1]~@~[/smiles 1//

How can I get this effect?

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Re: How 2 render text with different colors in one window?

Postby CrazyEddie » Sun Sep 06, 2009 11:10

We're only adding integrated support for this type of thing starting with the 0.7.0 release (that should be made around next weekend, give or take a few days).

To do this in earlier versions you'll need to come up with some custom solution whereby you manually split the string into component sub-strings and draw them all separately; how exactly you do this, and how easily it's achieved (the rendering part, I mean) will depend upon the type of element you're rendering - there's unlikely to be a generic solution without modifying the CEGUI code, but if you're going that route, you might as well use the v0-7 code that already contains some level of support for this.


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Re: How 2 render text with different colors in one window?

Postby singbol » Sun Sep 06, 2009 11:57

Glad to hear that~~~I'm so excited !
and how about the world map?I've already written one but not support circle one~~~(I mean the map looks like circle)
Waiting for your fruit!! :wink:

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Re: How 2 render text with different colors in one window?

Postby CrazyEddie » Mon Sep 07, 2009 08:44

Circular elements are much more of a challenge; probably not impossible, but to have a circular style mini-map, perhaps like in WoW, much more would have to be done on the app side, since such support is not integrated in CEGUI.


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Re: How 2 render text with different colors in one window?

Postby singbol » Tue Sep 08, 2009 01:48

Ok, then I know I have to do it by myself~ :(
Another question, is it easy to make this style of tabcontrol like following:
////// ////// //////
Tab1 Tab2 Tab3
////// ////// //////
/////// /////// ///////
Tab4 Tab5 Tab6
/////// /////// ///////
I mean the multiline tabs, now I implement it just by using image buttons and control the
child window manually.

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Re: How 2 render text with different colors in one window?

Postby CrazyEddie » Tue Sep 08, 2009 09:23

IIRC the tab control has the scroll buttons when there are too many tabs buttons, as far as I'm aware it does not currently support multiple rows of tab buttons.


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Re: How 2 render text with different colors in one window?

Postby singbol » Tue Sep 08, 2009 15:27

Ok, In all, Thank you for your patient reply~!~I think I should use image buttons to simulate that.

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