Panel vs Ogre overlay with text

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Panel vs Ogre overlay with text

Postby Slicky » Fri Dec 03, 2004 03:55

I've just started integrating CEGUI at a basic level.

A quick question and observation. I noticed a decent frame rate hit when running demo4 for example. Is this to be expected?

I never noticed much of a hit from the OGRE overlay.

Obviously the CEGUI is much more functional and a real interface so maybe that is the trade off. In that case if there is action on the screen the interface should be kept to a minimum to save fps.

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Panel vs Ogre overlay with text

Postby CrazyEddie » Fri Dec 03, 2004 09:59

There can be a performance hit, though it's really dependant upon what you're displaying. I might ask what you compared demo 4's performance against, since there is no comparable Ogre demo ;)

Generally, large numbers of widgets with text on them will hurt you the most.

I also must say that there's quite a bit of optimisation that could be done within the CEGUI library; though presently I'm not considering that a priority.


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Panel vs Ogre overlay with text

Postby Slicky » Sat Dec 04, 2004 00:57

I didn't have a direct comparison. All I did really was show and hide portions of the CEGUI and observed the frame rate hit.

I still think your system is great and need to learn more about it.

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