Memory Problem

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Memory Problem

Postby volfmath » Wed Mar 02, 2011 08:29

I Used CEGUI in Our MMORPG, but i found CEGUI use lots of memory in it.
about 4000s windows use memory 200MB. Why?
If I use the external Control(use falagard), I found the memory more than not used

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Re: Memory Problem

Postby Kulik » Wed Mar 02, 2011 10:36

Your thread does not contain sufficient information and/or does not follow the forum guidelines. Please edit your post to suit the mentioned requirements so we can help you, thanks!

Mainly the version is missing.

I would advise to unload window hierarchies that are not used to save memory. Also confirm that it is indeed CEGUI that is using the memory and not something else.

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