adding a Pixelfont to CEED throws the following exception:
Code: Select all
Failed to synchronise embedded CEGUI to your project
An attempt was made to load resources related to the project being opened, for some reason the loading didn't succeed so all resources were destroyed! The most likely reason is that the resource directories are wrong, this can be very easily remedied in the project settings.
This means that editing capabilities of CEED will be limited to editing of files that don't require a project opened (for example: imagesets).
Details of this error: CEGUI::InvalidRequestException in file ..\..\..\cegui\src\ImageManager.cpp(415) : ImageManager::validateImagesetFileVersion - You are attempting to load an imageset of version 'unknown' but this CEGUI version is only meant to load imagesets of version '2'. Consider using the script bundled with CEGUI Unified Editor to migrate your data.
The normal imagesets work just fine and even the PixeFont.imageset can be opened and viewn separately (not from within a project) by CEED but as soon as I add the following line to my scheme file I get the aforementioned exception:
Code: Select all
<Font Filename="PixelFont.font" />
Am I doing something wrong? Here are the files for my PixelFont if you want to test it for yourself:
Adding 'version="2"' to the font's <Imageset> element will result in a different exception:
Code: Select all
Failed to synchronise embedded CEGUI to your project
An attempt was made to [...]
Details of this error: CEGUI::InvalidRequestException in file ..\..\..\cegui\src\DefaultResourceProvider.cpp(101) : DefaultResourceProvider::load: Filename supplied for data loading must be valid