I want to resize with the mouse a custom FrameWindow created according to this tutorial :
http://www.cegui.org.uk/wiki/index.php/ ... right_time
I updated to CEGUI 0.7.7. My problem is the custom FrameWindow I create will never receive the FrameWindow::onMouseEvent where the border detection occur. Only the root FrameWindow will have the onMouseEvent. As I understand, the topmost child should receive the event first then decide wether or not to propagate it to it's parents.
So basically, I have the root FrameWindow :
Code: Select all
m_pfwRoot = (CEGUI::FrameWindow*)wmgr.createWindow( "TaharezLook/FrameWindow", FRAME_WINDOW_ROOT );
m_pfwRoot->setPosition( UVector2( UDim(0.0f, 0), UDim(0.0f, 0) ) );
m_pfwRoot->setSize( UVector2( UDim(1.0f, 0), UDim(1.0f, 0) ) );
m_pfwRoot->setDragMovingEnabled( FALSE );
m_pfwRoot->setDragDropTarget( FALSE );
m_pfwRoot->setTitleBarEnabled( FALSE );
m_pfwRoot->setSizingEnabled( FALSE );
m_pfwRoot->setFrameEnabled( FALSE );
m_pfwRoot->setSizingBorderThickness( 0.0f );
m_pfwRoot->setRollupEnabled( FALSE );
CEGUI::System::getSingleton().setGUISheet( m_pfwRoot );
Then I create custom FrameWindow :
Code: Select all
// register the new window type
CEGUI::WindowFactoryManager::getSingleton().addFactory<CEGUI::TplWindowFactory<GLCEGUISpectrogram> >();
// make a mapping that uses the existing TL/FrameWindow renderer.
CEGUI::WindowFactoryManager::getSingleton().addFalagardWindowMapping( "TaharezLook/GLCEGUISpectrogram", "GLCEGUISpectrogram", "TaharezLook/FrameWindow", "Falagard/FrameWindow" );
m_pfwSpectrogramWindow = static_cast<GLCEGUISpectrogram*>( CEGUI::WindowManager::getSingleton().createWindow("TaharezLook/GLCEGUISpectrogram", strWindowName) );
m_pfwSpectrogramWindow->setPosition( CEGUI::UVector2( CEGUI::UDim( fXPos, 0.0f), CEGUI::UDim( fYPos, 0) ) );
m_pfwSpectrogramWindow->setSize( CEGUI::UVector2( CEGUI::UDim(fWinDefaultWidth, 0), CEGUI::UDim(fWinDefaultHeight, 0) ) );
m_pfwSpectrogramWindow->setText( strTitle );
m_pfwSpectrogramWindow->setDragMovingEnabled( TRUE );
m_pfwSpectrogramWindow->setTitleBarEnabled( TRUE );
m_pfwSpectrogramWindow->setSizingEnabled( TRUE );
m_pfwSpectrogramWindow->setFrameEnabled( TRUE );
m_pfwSpectrogramWindow->setSizingBorderThickness( 15.0f );
m_pfwSpectrogramWindow->setZOrderingEnabled( TRUE );
m_pfwSpectrogramWindow->setInheritsAlpha( FALSE );
CEGUI::WindowManager::getSingleton().getWindow( GLWindowCEGUI::FRAME_WINDOW_ROOT )->addChildWindow( m_pfwSpectrogramWindow );
I wonder why only the first root FrameWindow will receive the event. The custom FrameWindow works when I drag the title bar or when I double click on the title bar to hide it's content.
Have you got any clues? I will continue to debug.