I need advices for developing 3D game for a term project.

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I need advices for developing 3D game for a term project.

Postby anchanfx » Fri Nov 09, 2012 18:46

I know C++ and Java but I guess I would stick with C++.

I'm about to start developing a simple 3D or 2D game for a 2nd year term project at the university, but having said that I never ever really developed a single 2D or 3D game before.

Would you kindly please point out what things I've to know and study before getting start.

Right now I can't still imagine how would I turn a black console to a 2D or 3D game.

I only know how to develop GUI application with AWT, SWING on Java and a little bit form seaching Youtube for GUI on C++.

Oh and I used to having fun creating a simple and small game using SWING, action listener and event on JAVA.

Oh and I have about a month for mid-term project and two-half for final-term project.

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