I think have found a problem that I was slightly aware of for a little while...I never managed to track it, and I had forgotten all about it till now. Turns out its tricky to see because it doesnt happen in my debug builds, only in release!
I have some code creating my multicolumnlist:
Code: Select all
MultiColumnList* mcl = (MultiColumnList*)winMgr.createWindow("TaharezLook/MultiColumnList", "templateList");
mcl->setPosition(Point(0.01f, 0.11f));
mcl->setSize(Size(0.98f, 0.70f));
mcl->setMaximumSize(Size(1.0f, 1.0f));
mcl->addColumn("Script", 0, 0.26f);
mcl->addColumn("Template", 1, 0.29f);
mcl->addColumn("Loaded", 2, 0.12f);
I have just recently added the last two lines. There arent any items in the list to sort at this point, but I was experimenting.
Anyway, this code looks sound to me and it works fine in Debug, but Release throws the following error:
Code: Select all
Exception: MultiColumnList::setItem - the specified row index is invalid.