For help with general CEGUI usage: - Questions about the usage of CEGUI and its features, if not explained in the documentation. - Problems with the CMAKE configuration or problems occuring during the build process/compilation. - Errors or unexpected behaviour.
There are a menu bar and two window in my CEGUI layouts. The two windows are children of the menu bar, and one of the wimdows are setvisible(true).
Currently only the visible window can respose to the mouse clicking. The menu bar won't response until the visible window was cloded. Is there anyway to make the menu bar respose to mouse clicking when one window is visible?
Now I was able to enable menu bar response when the window is visible by setting the menu bar property 'AlwaysOnTop' to 'ture'.
Here comes another problem. when both of the windows are visible, it seems only the topper one can response. Any idea how to get both of the windows response to mouse clicking? Or is there anyway that we change the depth of a window to make it on top of another window by a mouse clicking?