Attach String Information to a

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Attach String Information to a

Postby mouglue » Mon Apr 04, 2005 22:41


I posted this in the OGRE forum also...

We are trying to incorporate OGRE and CEGUI into our current client side software. One of the things that I have noticed is there is a field called "userdata" listed in the CEGUI API references.
(getUserData and setUserData Functions also exist)

I was hopeing that It would be loadable in the xml. Something like..

<Window Type="gui/FrameWindow" Name="Default/MainWindow">
<Property Name="Size" Value="w:1 h:1" />
<Property Name="Position" Value="x:0 y:0" />
<Property Name="Text" Value="Chat Something" />
<Property Name="userData" Value="custom string here" />

But it does not seem to work.

The problem I have is I need to be able to link some text to the control while loading the xml. The text would only exist in the xml.

We have literaly thousands of "Commands" already set up. Given the list of commands I want the user to be able to define which command is triggered when the button is clicked. Some commands take parms.

What I was hopeing for was some property that we could fill and then "Parse out".
something like ....

"ren cre obj rock_shard"

That is a typical command that our client currently takes. (if typed)

CEGUI seem so robust that I find it hard to beleive that this can not be done.

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Re: Attach String Information to a

Postby lindquist » Tue Apr 05, 2005 00:36

you could easily create a new property in CEGUI::Window called fx CommandString.

this would automatically get exposed to the XML layouts.

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