Clarification of license agreement covering Vanilla Look & F

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Clarification of license agreement covering Vanilla Look & F

Postby CombatWombat » Wed Nov 16, 2005 09:37

Hi, in the demo Readme, there is the following text:

Original "Vanilla GUI" imagery created by Shane Parker, used with permission.

I'd like to check whether the Vanilla GUI is covered by the LGPL which covers CEGUI - is anyone able to clarify this for me?



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Re: Clarification of license agreement covering Vanilla Look

Postby CrazyEddie » Thu Nov 17, 2005 09:03

To err on the side of caution, I'd say it is free for non-commercial use; so long as you do not claim to have created the imagery yourself, and where possible mention the origins of the skin.

To be 100% certain I'd have to pass the question on to Shane, when/if I happen across him on IRC.


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