How do I make GUI the same for all resolutions, using editor

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How do I make GUI the same for all resolutions, using editor

Postby arkos » Wed May 03, 2006 01:15

Hey Guys,

I am new to CEGUI. I am trying to make a GUI in CELayoutEditor that will look the same no matter what resolution Ogre is run at. Right now it appears that the windows retain their size at different resolutions but there positions on screen vary quite dramatically. Is there a way to define relative coordinates in the editor? Thanks

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Postby arkos » Wed May 03, 2006 01:46

Alright I figured it out. Somehow the offset values got changed. I am assuming this messes with the relative position of the windows. So what I did was put all of the offsets to 0 and then resized the windows to how they were. I don't know how the offsets were changed originally because I didn't alter them manually and resizing only seems to alter the scale vals. Any comments?

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Postby scriptkid » Wed May 03, 2006 06:54

Hello Arkos,

you found yourself a bug ;-)

i played around with the editor for a while and it seems to set the offsets when you snap to grid. Did you use that functionality?

I'll put it into Mantis, since it shouldn't act this way.

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Postby arkos » Wed May 10, 2006 07:03

I don't remember exactly if I turned on snap to grid or not. It is a strong possibility that I did though because it was my first time with the program and I was messing around with all of the options. Thanks for the reply.

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