CEGUI Error while trying to create a FreeType face

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CEGUI Error while trying to create a FreeType face

Postby pokemoen » Sat Nov 26, 2005 01:39

I merged/moved my GUI with some backend code and now this:

Code: Select all

26/11/2005 02:29:43 (InfL1)   Attempting to create an Imageset from the information specified in file './data/imagesets/openglgui.imageset'.
26/11/2005 02:29:43 (InfL1)   XercesParser::initialiseSchema - Attempting to load schema from file 'Imageset.xsd'.
26/11/2005 02:29:43 (InfL1)   XercesParser::initialiseSchema - XML schema file 'Imageset.xsd' has been initialised.
26/11/2005 02:29:43 (InfL1)   Attempting to create Font 'Tahoma-12' using the font file './data/fonts/tahoma.ttf' and a size of 12.
26/11/2005 02:29:43 (InfL1)   Attempting to create Imageset 'Tahoma-12_auto_glyph_images' with texture only.
26/11/2005 02:29:43 (Error)   Exception: Font::constructor_impl - An error occurred while trying to create a FreeType face from source font './data/fonts/tahoma.ttf'.

Any ideas?

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Re: CEGUI Error while trying to create a FreeType face

Postby CrazyEddie » Sun Nov 27, 2005 10:23

This is odd, could the font be corrupted at all?. I assume it's just the standard tahoma.ttf from Windows?

Do any other fonts have a similar issue?

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Re: CEGUI Error while trying to create a FreeType face

Postby pokemoen » Sun Nov 27, 2005 12:20

Good call Eddie! (as always..)
Forgot to check my font, during the merge with the backend code it was updated from CVS without -kb, so it was "text" e.g. unreadable... :oops:


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