OSG And CEGUI - Rendering Help

For help with anything that CEGUI doesn't offer straight out-of-the-box, e.g.:
- Implementation of new features, such as new Core classes, widgets, WindowRenderers, etc. ...
- Modification of any existing features for specific purposes
- Integration of CEGUI in new engines or frameworks and writing of new plugins (Renderer, Parser, ...) or modules

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OSG And CEGUI - Rendering Help

Postby bundun_2002 » Wed Oct 11, 2006 23:59

Hi all, i have used the cegui system for a while now and love it. I have been using it with Ogre, but now have moved onto another project and want to take it with me.

I am working with the Open Scene Graph engine, rendering with Open GL. I finally got it rendering with the producer and viewer but the quads come out at 1/4 size. In the bottom left corner of the screen. I have attempted to edit the open gl renderer but got no where. Any ideas on how i can fix this. Would love to CEGUI as our team is familiar with it and its so god damn nice :P

Thanks - Brendan

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Postby granx » Thu Oct 12, 2006 00:53

We have an osg::Drawable that kicks off CEGUI's OpenGLRenderer. It's working for us. Make sure you are getting the correct dimensions from the Producer RenderSurface, and send them to:
mRenderer->setDisplaySize( CEGUI::Size(width, height) );

That's all I can think of. Be sure to check the values you are seeing from Producer, it should be pixel sizes like 640, not the pseudo-normalized values that range from -1 to +1, with 0 being the center of the window.

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Postby bundun_2002 » Thu Oct 12, 2006 01:41

I thought it might be something like that, when i go into windowed mode in osg, the window takes up more of the window than before. I am setting up cegui in a RealizeCallback and is as follows

Code: Select all

unsigned int width, height;
Singletons::Instance().Viewer()->getCamera(0)->getRenderSurface()->getScreenSize(width, height);
renderer->setDisplaySize(CEGUI::Size(float(width), float(height)));

CEGUI::System * system = new CEGUI::System( renderer );

then i add a PostDrawCallback to the viewers camera. which does the following

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thats how im doing it and i think it should work, but damned if it will.

any more help granx :?:

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Postby bundun_2002 » Thu Oct 12, 2006 02:04

ok i got it to render full screen, but now the z is off and it gets rendered behind certain things. i am doin it your way by adding a custom drawable to the scene and making its drawImplementation take care of the rendering.

here is the code for rendering

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if (state.getContextID() != _activeContextID)





I either need to know how to get the z order correct or to get the state into my post draw call back and disable the vertex arrays

any ideas

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Postby granx » Thu Oct 12, 2006 02:29

You can force the draw order with the osg::StateSet from your Geode, so that it always draws on top. The code looks like:

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