How can I use additional widget from looknfeel file?

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How can I use additional widget from looknfeel file?

Postby mintogo » Fri Dec 29, 2017 01:33


I am beginner of CEGUI.

I am trying to use CEED to make UI layout easily.

When I load sample project, I could see various widgets on left bottom side, but when I make new project, I can't see thet list. There are just default widgets(DefaultWindow, DragCContainer, GridLayoutComtainer...).

How can I use widgets from looknfeel file?

(Sorry to my poor English)

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Re: How can I use additional widget from looknfeel file?

Postby Ident » Fri Dec 29, 2017 08:17

You need to configure the source folders. Please read the manual.
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