When to expect a released version?

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When to expect a released version?

Postby Blakharaz » Sat Aug 07, 2004 08:57


I know you hate this question, but when can one expect a somewhat interface-stable release, like a beta version for example? Is there a roadmap with milestones (and a time table :) ) maybe? I'm not speaking of a stable 1.0, but something like a feature freeze before a version branch.
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When to expect a released version?

Postby CrazyEddie » Sat Aug 07, 2004 09:56

Hi there,

Yes, this is the question that I wish people didn’t ask :lol:

Okay, obviously I have a target feature list for the first beta release; this consists basically of what the system did in the old mk-1 alphas, plus the things I wrote about in March of this year. Most of this is completed, and my TODO list is currently like this:[list:b29be69000][*:b29be69000]Complete Lua scripting module
[*:b29be69000]Add “Windows Look” module.
[*:b29be69000]Update Renderers to fire ModeChangedEvent
[*:b29be69000]Update OgreGUIRenderer to report true max texture size
[*:b29be69000]Add clipboard support to Editbox and MultiLineEditbox
[*:b29be69000]Add undo support to Editbox and MultiLineEditbox
[*:b29be69000]Add window-type aliasing to WindowFactoryManager / Scheme systems.
[*:b29be69000]Add OpenGL renderer
Current known bugs:[list:b29be69000][*:b29be69000]Combobox behaviour requires two clicks
[*:b29be69000]Taharez Frame Window layout is incorrect if window is disabled.
[*:b29be69000]ListHeader/Segment widgets have problems in absolute metrics mode.
Missing from these lists is some tutorials, samples, and possibly some additional documentation. These do not affect the code though, so I have left these off the immediate list.

Dates? I’m very reluctant to put a date on any of this, since things have a tendency to go wrong whenever I suggest a date ;). Obviously I originally said the end of June, which for various reasons has now been missed by quite a long way. Also at the moment, I’ve cut the amount of time I spend coding this as it has a way of getting me down – so when this starts to happen I ease up a little so as not to lose interest completely.

I may drop the GL renderer from the initial beta.
The Lua module is being held up due to compiler compatibility issues with luabind.

Everything else on the lists is fairly routine stuff; I’d like to be able to start major testing & tuning around the end of this month for a beta release in September, but don’t hold me to that :)

Beyond this I have many things planned, but no real time table at all. There’s another batch of widgets to be done, a new data-driven approach to widget rendering, animated widgets, and so on...

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When to expect a released version?

Postby CrazyEddie » Sun Aug 08, 2004 05:38

Thanks for the suggestion, I will definately have a look :) Though I may end up with both options since I have invested quite a bit of time in the luabind effort. I'm hoping that as the guys over there are releasing beta7 imminently, the remaining couple of issues will get resolved. Even now though, the original bindings I wrote have been butchered to get over compiler limits :?

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