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Postby Lijat » Thu Sep 01, 2005 18:42

I was looing at the logging system trying to redirect output to cerr so that all my loggs came to the same file. I reached the conclusin that it wasen't posible to do that without changing the CEGUI source wich I would prefere not to do. So I wonder if it could bee posibler to add a mettod in CEGUI::Logger. Sothing like this could work

in CEGUILogger.h

Code: Select all

void setLogStream(const ostream& stream)

Consider this a feature request.
It would enable code like
and as cerr can bee redirected to any file and can bee used by multiple objects.

ps. if it is already possble to do this pleas disregard my post and tell me how to do it

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Re: LoggSystem

Postby CrazyEddie » Fri Sep 02, 2005 09:22


It's not currently possible to do this. However this type of request has been made before. We'll add your vote for this to the list, and hopefully something will be implemented in time for the 0.5.0 release ;)

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