Difference between revisions of "Qt to CEGUI Key and Mouse Mapping"

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(Qt to CEGUI mapping described.)
(3 intermediate revisions by one other user not shown)
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{{VersionBadge|0.4}} {{VersionBadge|0.5}} {{VersionBadge|0.6}} {{VersionBadge|0.7}}
Shows how to map Qt Key and mouse event codes to CEGUI codes.
<source lang="cpp">
uint GLWidget::convertQtToCEGUIKey (int key, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers)
uint GLWidget::convertQtToCEGUIKey (int key, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers)
Line 133: Line 137:
These functions can be used in key and mouse event handlers to inject events to CEGUI::System:
These functions can be used in key and mouse event handlers to inject events to CEGUI::System:
<source lang="cpp">
void GLWidget::keyPressEvent (QKeyEvent* event)
void GLWidget::keyPressEvent (QKeyEvent* event)
Line 149: Line 153:
CEGUI::System::getSingleton ().injectMouseButtonDown (convertQtToCEGUIMouseButton (event->button ()));
CEGUI::System::getSingleton ().injectMouseButtonDown (convertQtToCEGUIMouseButton (event->button ()));

Latest revision as of 14:21, 28 February 2011

Written for CEGUI 0.4

Works with versions 0.4.x (obsolete)

Written for CEGUI 0.5

Works with versions 0.5.x (obsolete)

Written for CEGUI 0.6

Works with versions 0.6.x (obsolete)

Written for CEGUI 0.7

Works with versions 0.7.x (obsolete)

Shows how to map Qt Key and mouse event codes to CEGUI codes.

uint GLWidget::convertQtToCEGUIKey (int key, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers)
	if (modifiers & Qt::KeypadModifier)
		switch (key)
			case Qt::Key_Minus:	return CEGUI::Key::Subtract;
			case Qt::Key_Period:	return CEGUI::Key::Decimal;
			case Qt::Key_Slash:	return CEGUI::Key::Divide;
			case Qt::Key_Enter:	return CEGUI::Key::NumpadEnter;		
			case Qt::Key_0:		return CEGUI::Key::Numpad0;
			case Qt::Key_1:		return CEGUI::Key::Numpad1;
			case Qt::Key_2:		return CEGUI::Key::Numpad2;
			case Qt::Key_3:		return CEGUI::Key::Numpad3;
			case Qt::Key_4:		return CEGUI::Key::Numpad4;
			case Qt::Key_5:		return CEGUI::Key::Numpad5;
			case Qt::Key_6:		return CEGUI::Key::Numpad6;
			case Qt::Key_7:		return CEGUI::Key::Numpad7;
			case Qt::Key_8:		return CEGUI::Key::Numpad8;
			case Qt::Key_9:		return CEGUI::Key::Numpad9;
			case Qt::Key_Asterisk:	return CEGUI::Key::Multiply;
			case Qt::Key_Plus:	return CEGUI::Key::Add;
			case Qt::Key_Equal:	return CEGUI::Key::NumpadEquals;
		switch (key)
			case Qt::Key_At:		return CEGUI::Key::At;
			case Qt::Key_Backspace: 	return CEGUI::Key::Backspace;
			case Qt::Key_Tab:		return CEGUI::Key::Tab;
			case Qt::Key_Pause:		return CEGUI::Key::Pause;
			case Qt::Key_Escape:		return CEGUI::Key::Escape;
			case Qt::Key_Space:		return CEGUI::Key::Space;
			case Qt::Key_Comma:		return CEGUI::Key::Comma;
			case Qt::Key_QuoteLeft:		return CEGUI::Key::Apostrophe;
			case Qt::Key_Minus:		return CEGUI::Key::Minus;
			case Qt::Key_Period:		return CEGUI::Key::Period;
			case Qt::Key_Slash:		return CEGUI::Key::Slash;
			case Qt::Key_Return:		return CEGUI::Key::Return;
			case Qt::Key_0:			return CEGUI::Key::Zero;
			case Qt::Key_1:			return CEGUI::Key::One;
			case Qt::Key_2:			return CEGUI::Key::Two;
			case Qt::Key_3:			return CEGUI::Key::Three;
			case Qt::Key_4:			return CEGUI::Key::Four;
			case Qt::Key_5:			return CEGUI::Key::Five;
			case Qt::Key_6:			return CEGUI::Key::Six;
			case Qt::Key_7:			return CEGUI::Key::Seven;
			case Qt::Key_8:			return CEGUI::Key::Eight;
			case Qt::Key_9:			return CEGUI::Key::Nine;
			case Qt::Key_Colon:		return CEGUI::Key::Colon;
			case Qt::Key_Semicolon:		return CEGUI::Key::Semicolon;
			case Qt::Key_Equal:		return CEGUI::Key::Equals;
			case Qt::Key_BracketLeft:	return CEGUI::Key::LeftBracket;
			case Qt::Key_Backslash:		return CEGUI::Key::Backslash;
			case Qt::Key_BracketRight:	return CEGUI::Key::RightBracket;
			case Qt::Key_A:			return CEGUI::Key::A;
			case Qt::Key_B:			return CEGUI::Key::B;
			case Qt::Key_C:			return CEGUI::Key::C;
			case Qt::Key_D:			return CEGUI::Key::D;
			case Qt::Key_E:			return CEGUI::Key::E;
			case Qt::Key_F:			return CEGUI::Key::F;
			case Qt::Key_G:			return CEGUI::Key::G;
			case Qt::Key_H:			return CEGUI::Key::H;
			case Qt::Key_I:			return CEGUI::Key::I;
			case Qt::Key_J:			return CEGUI::Key::J;
			case Qt::Key_K:			return CEGUI::Key::K;
			case Qt::Key_L:			return CEGUI::Key::L;
			case Qt::Key_M:			return CEGUI::Key::M;
			case Qt::Key_N:			return CEGUI::Key::N;
			case Qt::Key_O:			return CEGUI::Key::O;
			case Qt::Key_P:			return CEGUI::Key::P;
			case Qt::Key_Q:			return CEGUI::Key::Q;
			case Qt::Key_R:			return CEGUI::Key::R;
			case Qt::Key_S:			return CEGUI::Key::S;
			case Qt::Key_T:			return CEGUI::Key::T;
			case Qt::Key_U:			return CEGUI::Key::U;
			case Qt::Key_V:			return CEGUI::Key::V;
			case Qt::Key_W:			return CEGUI::Key::W;
			case Qt::Key_X:			return CEGUI::Key::X;
			case Qt::Key_Y:			return CEGUI::Key::Y;
			case Qt::Key_Z:			return CEGUI::Key::Z;
			case Qt::Key_Delete:		return CEGUI::Key::Delete;
			case Qt::Key_Up:		return CEGUI::Key::ArrowUp;
			case Qt::Key_Down:		return CEGUI::Key::ArrowDown;
			case Qt::Key_Right:		return CEGUI::Key::ArrowRight;
			case Qt::Key_Left:		return CEGUI::Key::ArrowLeft;
			case Qt::Key_Insert:		return CEGUI::Key::Insert;
			case Qt::Key_Home:		return CEGUI::Key::Home;
			case Qt::Key_End:		return CEGUI::Key::End;
			case Qt::Key_PageUp:		return CEGUI::Key::PageUp;
			case Qt::Key_PageDown:		return CEGUI::Key::PageDown;
			case Qt::Key_F1:		return CEGUI::Key::F1;
			case Qt::Key_F2:		return CEGUI::Key::F2;
			case Qt::Key_F3:		return CEGUI::Key::F3;
			case Qt::Key_F4:		return CEGUI::Key::F4;
			case Qt::Key_F5:		return CEGUI::Key::F5;
			case Qt::Key_F6:		return CEGUI::Key::F6;
			case Qt::Key_F7:		return CEGUI::Key::F7;
			case Qt::Key_F8:		return CEGUI::Key::F8;
			case Qt::Key_F9:		return CEGUI::Key::F9;
			case Qt::Key_F10:		return CEGUI::Key::F10;
			case Qt::Key_F11:		return CEGUI::Key::F11;
			case Qt::Key_F12:		return CEGUI::Key::F12;
			case Qt::Key_F13:		return CEGUI::Key::F13;
			case Qt::Key_F14:		return CEGUI::Key::F14;
			case Qt::Key_F15:		return CEGUI::Key::F15;
			case Qt::Key_NumLock:		return CEGUI::Key::NumLock;
			case Qt::Key_ScrollLock:	return CEGUI::Key::ScrollLock;
			case Qt::Key_Shift:		return CEGUI::Key::RightShift;
			case Qt::Key_Control:		return CEGUI::Key::RightControl;
			case Qt::Key_Alt:		return CEGUI::Key::RightAlt;
			case Qt::Key_Meta:		return CEGUI::Key::LeftWindows;
			case Qt::Key_SysReq:		return CEGUI::Key::SysRq;
			case Qt::Key_Menu:		return CEGUI::Key::AppMenu;
	return 0;
CEGUI::MouseButton GLWidget::convertQtToCEGUIMouseButton (Qt::MouseButton button)
	switch (button)
		case Qt::LeftButton:	return CEGUI::LeftButton;
		case Qt::RightButton:	return CEGUI::RightButton;
		case Qt::MidButton:	return CEGUI::MiddleButton;
		case Qt::XButton1:	return CEGUI::X1Button;
		case Qt::XButton2:	return CEGUI::X2Button;
		default:		return CEGUI::NoButton;

These functions can be used in key and mouse event handlers to inject events to CEGUI::System:

void GLWidget::keyPressEvent (QKeyEvent* event)
	bool processed = (event->text ().size () == 1) && CEGUI::System::getSingleton ().injectChar (event->text ().at (0).unicode ());
	if (!processed)
		processed = processed || CEGUI::System::getSingleton ().injectKeyDown (convertQtToCEGUIKey (event->key (), event->modifiers ()));
void GLWidget::mousePressEvent (QMouseEvent* event)
	CEGUI::System::getSingleton ().injectMouseButtonDown (convertQtToCEGUIMouseButton (event->button ()));