User talk:Baxissimo

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Revision as of 00:55, 27 March 2006 by Baxissimo (Talk | contribs)

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Howdy, I'm baxissimo.

I'm interested in making CEGUI easier to use.

I'm currently mulling over how to provided a simplified interface to CEGUI that lets you get going trivially in a jiff.

For instance, I'm thinking you should be able to do something like this in your code:

using namespace CEGUI_EZ;
EZGUI *gui = new EZGUI();
w = new Panel(gui, "Test GUI");
new Button(w, "Click me", buttoncb);
new Slider(w, "Frob me", slidercb);
Menu* m = new Menu(w,"Options",menucb);
new MenuItem(m, "Choice 1");
new MenuItem(m, "Choice 2");
new MenuItem(m, "Choice 3");

And you'd have a usable GUI of some sort that calls the specified callback functions when something happens.