Building CEED for Windows
From CEGUI Wiki - Crazy Eddie's GUI System (Open Source)
(Written by Ident (Lukas Meindl). Works to date: 9. June, 2014)
The following instructions need to be done in the presented order and are created for the currently available version of CEED and could therefore be outdated at some point. Please notify us if you think this is outdated.
Installing the prerequisites
When downloading/installing binaries, always choose the 32-bit and VC9 (visual studio 2008) versions of the binaries
Installing Python
- Get Python 2.7.6 (32 bit version) for Windows and install it:
- Add your Python install folder path to the PATH variable in your Windows environment variables, e.g.: A:\Programs\Python27
- Now add the Scripts folder to the PATH environment variable, e.g.: A:\Programs\Python27\Scripts
- Open up Windows PowerShell with admin rights and type "python" - See if you get something written into the console, such as "Python 2.7.6 (default [...]", if this is the case then the install worked.
Installing pip
- Install the latest pip distribution: First download :
- Open up Windows PowerShell with admin rights, change to the folder to which you downloaded "" by using the "cd" command, e.g.: cd "A:/Downloads/Not porn"
- Type "python" and click enter in the Windows PowerShell
- PowerShell should now install pip
- Afterwards write "pip" and click enter. You should get some sort of information about pip now, if the install succeeded.
Installing pyside
- Now you can install pyside easily with the following command: "pip install -U PySide"
- You should get a console output notifying you of a successful install
Installing pyOpenGL
- pip install requires a C compiler for this and some other things. We suggest just installing pyOpenGL on Windows from this installer:
Installing boost binaries
- We also need to install boost. You can use an .exe file for this that will install the necessary binaries. Since you use VS2008 you should the 32bit version for VC9 (As of this moment the install file would be: boost_1_55_0-msvc-9.0-32.exe )
- Go to your CEED bin folder, e.g.: A:\Programs\CEED\bin
- Edit runwrapper.bat so that the relative path CEGUI_BUILD_PATH matches your CEGUI folder
- Run the batch file
- Type "python ceed-gui" and click enter, which should startup CEED
Build pyCEGUI
- Clone CEGUI v0-8 from the CEGUI repository to a new local folder , e.g. to C:/cegui-v0-8
- Check that the branch of your working directory is really v0-8 after cloning, if not then update to the latest v0-8 commit
- Add the usual CEGUI dependencies to their usual spot (dependencies folder)
- Open CMake and set the source code folder to your new local folder, e.g.: C:/cegui-v0-8 and the binaries to for example: C:/cegui-v0-8/build
- The boost.find stuff is usually unreliable and I do not personally know how to solve this and unfortunately have no time to look at it at all. Also, as of now, setting your directory doesnt help at all unfortunately.
What I suggest to do is to set these paths manually:
Open up the CMake GUI for your build and check the "Grouped" and "Advanced" checkoxes (which i btw always recommend to have checked). To limit the displayed results you can enter "boost" into the "Search" filter. You should see a group called "Boost". Now open up the group "Boost" by clicking on it. There you will see all described variables. Click on the right field for each and then on the "..." button to open a dialogue for selecting your directory or path. Some of the variables ask for directories: usually those are variables ending with "_DIR". The other variables look for files, in this case it should be the ones ending with "_DEBUG" and "_RELEASE". Be sure you link to the right files and directories.
Examples on my setup:- Boost_LIBRARY_DIR = A:/Programs/boost_1_55_0/lib32-msvc-9.0
- Boost_PYTHON_LIBRARY_RELEASE = A:/Programs/boost_1_55_0/lib32-msvc-9.0/boost_python-vc90-mt-1_55.lib
- The boost.find stuff is usually unreliable and I do not personally know how to solve this and unfortunately have no time to look at it at all. Also, as of now, setting your directory doesnt help at all unfortunately.
- Unselect Building the samples and select only OpenGL3 and OpenGL out of the available renderers to build
- Select CEGUI_BUILD_PYTHON_MODULES so that this option is checked
- Click configure and generate, it should work without errors
- Open the generated solution in the build folder and build it (You need 'Release' mode only)
Setup pyCEGUI dll dependencies
- Put the following dependencies of CEGUI into your build's bin folder, e.g.: C:/cegui-v0-8/build/bin
- From your CEGUI dependencies folder (e.g.: C:/cegui-v0-8/dependencies) :
- freetype.dll
- glew.dll
- pcre.dll
- From the boost binaries folder (e.g.: A:\Programs\boost_1_55_0\lib32-msvc-9.0 )
- boost_python-vc90-mt-1_55.dll
- From your CEGUI dependencies folder (e.g.: C:/cegui-v0-8/dependencies) :