List of all releases

Recommended CEGUI release: CEGUI 0.8.7

Patch release from v0-8 branch - It contains many minor fixes and changes. You can use the following links:

Source Package Downloads:

Code zip from github

Sourceforge code packaged a a .zip file
Sourceforge code packaged as a .tar.bz2 file

Dependencies (Windows / Apple OS X Only): 0.8.X Dependencies from github

Documentation Downloads:
Documentation packaged as a .zip file
Or click here for the online version of the docs


Release 0.8.7 (Full issue list on the github issues page )

  • #1123: Library soname was changed from 2 to 1 in 0.8.6 . This is important to all packagers - The 0.8.6 release should be ignored, use 0.8.7 instead.

Recommended CEED release: CEED 1.1.2

Quick fix for some annoying problems not addressed in the previous release v1.1.1


All releases

Branch Category Stable?sort descending Date
CEED 0.8.0 0.8 CEED Stable 13th Jul. 2014
CEGUI 0.8.1 0.8 CEGUI Stable 5th Jun. 2013
CEGUI 0.8.5 0.8 CEGUI Stable 12th Mar. 2016
CEGUI 0.8.6 0.8 CEGUI Stable 23rd Apr. 2016
CEGUI 0.8.7 0.8 CEGUI Stable 28th Apr. 2016
CEED 1.1.0 master CEED Stable 9th Oct. 2021
CEED 1.1.1 master CEED Stable 15th Mar. 2022
CEED 1.1.2 master CEED Stable 20th Mar. 2022
