
CEGUI 0.7.8


Release 0.7.8
- Bug Fix: Non-client windows using rendering surface were clipped to client area.
- Bug Fix: Child content was not always updated when FrameWindow rollup toggled.
- Bug Fix: VertScrollbar ScrollablePane properties accessing values for horizontal bar.
- Bug Fix: Tab buttons sized to raw text width, not RenderedString width.

- Added: Added option for OgreRenderer to render using (internal) shaders - defaults to enabled when fixed pipline is unavailable.
- Added: Added functions to MCL to ensure rows, columns and items are visible.
- Added: Implement Texture::saveToMemory for D3D11 renderer.
- Added: Implement Texture::saveToMemory for D3D10 renderer.
- Added: Implement Direct3D9Texture::saveToMemory (backported impl from default)


CEED snapshot11

EDIT: Windows release contained a CEGUI/Spinner related bug, a new build has been uploaded. (

New snapshot has been released. Archives provide testing sample data with CEGUI 0.7 and CEGUI 1.0 datafiles. There is a new project called CurrentDatafiles.project, it will try to load datafiles from ${CEED_FOLDER}../cegui_mk2/datafiles.

There have been 15 tickets resolved compared to the last snapshot10. Apart from fixing bugs this release has a new experimental feature - widget locking in layout editing. Please try it out, feedback is appreciated!

Grab the source tarball, Windows standalone binaries or MacOS X app bundle (not there yet, will be coming in a few days) at


- 0000910: [Layout editing] Same issue as 0000901 again, but with layouts that include a Combobox (Kulik) - resolved.
- 0000926: [CLI tools] Migration tool crashes with a specific layout file (Kulik) - resolved.
- 0000518: [Layout editing] Add locking functionality to prevent accidental moves/resizes of unwanted windows (Kulik) - resolved.
- 0000924: [CLI tools] ceed-mic doesn't add padding around images, causing artefacts because of UV interpolation/rounding (Kulik) - resolved.
- 0000929: [Layout editing] In snapshot 10, if using the spinner the values for min max and current value all get set to 0 constantly (Kulik) - resolved.
- 0000923: [CLI tools] Metaimageset should get Inkscape SVG export (Kulik) - resolved.
- 0000915: [General] Python scripts should invoke python2 not python [patch included] (Kulik) - resolved.
- 0000909: [General] Add OpenGL diagnostic info to (Kulik) - resolved.
- 0000901: [General] Can not save layout file after editing (Kulik) - resolved.
- 0000904: [Layout editing] Windows aren't rotated even when you rotate them with property inspector (Kulik) - resolved.
- 0000896: [Imageset editing] CEED destroys the per-image autoScaled and native{Horz,Vert}Res data when loading and saving imageset (Kulik) - resolved.
- 0000887: [General] ceed will output "abort: no mercurial repository (no .hg available)" (Kulik) - resolved.
- 0000890: [Imageset editing] Entering special chars in the native resolution editboxes leads to a crash (Kulik) - resolved.
- 0000888: [General] Crash when existing files are added to the project via proejct manager dock widget (Kulik) - resolved.
- 0000886: [Documentation] Selecting Help -> User manual does nothing on OSX and Windows (Kulik) - resolved.


CEED snapshot10

New snapshot has been released. Archives provide testing sample data with CEGUI 0.7 and CEGUI 1.0 datafiles (CEGUI 1.0 has since been "renamed" to 0.8).

There have been 8 issues fixed from the last snapshot9. There are no drastic changes this release, it is all bugfixes and polish. This is the release that I will be defending my thesis with. Development will not stop though of course! CEED will see a stable release with CEGUI 1.0 release and will be developed continuously.

Grab the source tarball, Windows standalone binaries or MacOS X app bundle at


- 0000885: [Imageset editing] It is possible to input negative size of image definition via code editing (Kulik) - resolved.
- 0000884: [General] Min window size, add minimum screen estate to requirements in the user manual (Kulik) - resolved.
- 0000880: [Imageset editing] Imageset global property widgets shrink vertically when there is not enough vertical screen space (Kulik) - resolved.
- 0000863: [Documentation] Less pathetic documentation build setup (Kulik) - resolved.
- 0000862: [General] DragDropContainer should be "DragContainer" (Kulik) - resolved.
- 0000873: [Animation editing] Opening an animation without having a project opened raises exception (Kulik) - resolved.
- 0000872: [General] Exceptions when opening files with unicode paths (Kulik) - resolved.
- 0000859: [Animation editing] Saving to file is broken (Kulik) - resolved.


CEED snapshot9

New snapshot has been released. Archives provide testing sample data with CEGUI 0.7 and CEGUI 1.0 datafiles (CEGUI 1.0 has since been "renamed" to CEGUI 0.8).

There have been 16 issues fixed from the last snapshot8. Highlight of the release is better property editing for Image and Font properties. You can now choose from a combobox instead of typing the whole names!
Another focus was documentation. There is a lot of new content in user-manual, quickstart-guide and developer-manual.

Make sure you give release to your artists along with the new user manual and tell us what they are struggling with. The manuals will be refined according to the feedback.

Grab the source tarball, Windows standalone binaries or MacOS X app bundle at


- 0000856: [Compatibility layers] Auto windows are partially broken in layout compatibility layers (Kulik) - resolved.
- 0000855: [General] Recently used menus bloat infinitely (Kulik) - resolved.
- 0000848: [Layout editing] Where is the lovely "ID" Property in release 7&8 ? (Kulik) - resolved.
- 0000828: [Layout editing] Implement "Image" property inspector (Kulik) - resolved.
- 0000829: [Layout editing] Implement "Font" property inspector (Kulik) - resolved.
- 0000613: [Project management] Adding a file multiple times to the project manager creates duplicate useless entries without informing you (Kulik) - resolved.
- 0000854: [Layout editing] Pasting widget hierarchies should select topmost pasted widgets (Kulik) - resolved.
- 0000827: [Imageset editing] pasting images does not select them (Kulik) - resolved.
- 0000853: [General] Text editor doesn't correctly mark when it has changes (Kulik) - resolved.
- 0000833: [General] Files are emptied when closed after edited in simple text editing mode (Kulik) - resolved.
- 0000832: [General] Opening project as a file should produce a meaningful explanation why that won't work (Kulik) - resolved.
- 0000852: [General] Allow user to override the filter when opening files (Kulik) - resolved.
- 0000831: [Layout editing] Default layout editing checkerboard makes outlines hard to see (Kulik) - resolved.
- 0000830: [General] Prevent crash caused by inputting too large checkerboard size (Kulik) - resolved.
- 0000851: [Compatibility layers] Compat layers for Image/@type -> Image/@component and back (Kulik) - resolved.
- 0000842: [Compatibility layers] Provide compatibility layer for the new operator dim trees (Kulik) - resolved.


CEGUI 0.7.7


Release 0.7.7
- Bug Fix: make dist missed premake.lua for InventoryDemo
- Bug Fix: ImagerySection bounds calculations were incorrectly starting from zero.
- Bug Fix: Show Combobox button in pushed state when list is shown.
- Bug Fix: Set disabled image for combobox button. See:
- Bug Fix: Support Gentoo's (and others') modified zlib headers. See:
- Bug Fix: typos in macro to detect zlib prevented using zlib in custom locations.
- Bug Fix: Multiple issues in GroupBox related to handling of its content pane and also how child content is added and removed. NB: This does change some behaviour, in that child content is no longer destroyed when removed, but that should NEVER have happened anyway, so is treated as another bug to be fixed. See: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=6126
- Bug Fix: Backported fix for issue caused by layoutOnWrite property definitions triggering Window::performChildWindowLayout before the window is fully initialised. (NB: this breaks binary compatibility) See: viewtopic.php?p=29008#p29008 and
- Bug Fix: CEGUI::OgreTextureTarget::clear sets the Ogre system view port. This call can occur outside the regular rendering sequence and if the OgreTextureTarget is then deleted, Ogre and other parts of the CEGUI::OgreRenderer may try to access the deleted viewport. IMPORTANT: Prior to Ogre 1.8, there are scenarios where it is impossible to restore the view port safely. See:
- Bug Fix: We were applying text colours twice in Falagard TextComponent when string to be drawn or font to use were sourced anywhere other than from the default places. Many thanks to forum member 'BrightBit' for providing test case datafiles to produce this issue. See:
- Bug Fix: In OpenGL renderer, default pixel unpack setting of 4 was causing headaches on textures with unusual widths. See:
- Bug Fix: Ensure properties defined via PropertyDefinition are added to the target widget first, to avoid situations where they might be accessed before they are added. See: viewtopic.php?f=10&t=6019

- Modified: Detect python header in a /slightly/ less horrible way.
- Modified: Refactor Window::onParentSized to not abuse Window::setArea_impl.
- Modified: refactor some Window implementation: mostly breaking up setArea_impl, and then reducing some code repetition elsewhere.
- Modified: Add support for lua 5.2. This includes detection of newer package as well as fixes to the Lua module and the embedded tolua++ lib (patch from 'worldcitizen' on the forums). See:

- Added: PropertyDefinitions to set colours on TaharezLook/ImageButton.

- Documentation: Typo in GLEW-LICENSE (this was grabbed from original glew package, too!). See:

